New Mode of enterprises will be the focus of his search. That is, perhaps, this seemingly has been playing "Defender" hidden role of CEO offensive weapon is not the time Shun To do anything silly, I am not impeded the time to stop doing the right thing. Worry-free future (recruiting) Juanronghui CEO of a listed company since the operation is the largest sum up the two sentences. "So you have not done with the foolish thing?" The origin of the advisory division CEO T. J. smile : "I would not have enough time." Since that fortunately, many people told him that to be done from now looks a doubt is wrong things, the company's shares immediately or down. Juanronghui always appear to be so joyful, relaxed state. However, he also admitted that he has no head like a chicken running around, like not find the direction. 2005 companies are suffering the greatest setbacks in 2003 and 2004 the growth rate in more than 60%, But 2005 has suddenly dropped to 24%, after listing staff, office space, Each quarter, there are one million U.S. dollars in legal fees, the cost surge. Next, investors and the company forecast data of the closed court proceedings despite not admissible, or delayed until September 2006 to solve. Until mid-2006 before he settled down to the poor mood, and find new direction, but He's relaxed and not for how long, "the wolf" came again. "Wolf" is "China's Talents network" that the company was recruiting company American Network behemoth shares 40%, and hired the former vice president of Huawei Fondriest, the company advocates "wolf culture," in the market rolled up the Cyclones. Two consecutive years, China's Talents network announced that the growth rate over the future worries, This company is a breath of the largest call centers, launched a called fourth-generation recruitment products "recruitment video." Spend 100 million yuan for release in the MTR and television to Superman's image to attract popular. "Wolf" is unwise joint recruitment, in September last year was just huge financing. Wolf numerous local talent network, there mainly to search for talent search and recruitment into the field of social network companies. Recruitment has become a capital-intensive industry, advertising and marketing activities are intensive zone. Voices in the words, opponents pressing harder and harder. 51job how? Is the opponent's tight already staggers? Juanronghui admitted that he was also a little tense. Even in his last month to the United States, many investors are concerned about competitors for the industry impact. But he quickly stabilize the ground. "We remain on-line market as a whole accounted for 40% ~ 50% competitors but also through foreign investment right side of Finance, we have been adversaries double the revenue, Over the past 18 months has been to maintain this level. "Juanronghui such arguments and opponents of the network recruitment has surpassed 51 j ob say in the market rather controversial. Juanronghui do not consider themselves inactive; Many companies and even different, his subordinates do not think his boss "low-key." Juanronghui seemed to have adopted is a positive defense strategy. He did not invest so call centers. The reason is "to do business in China or face-to-face is better." Moreover, the Chinese wage is not high. He has done recruiting video. The reason is the "China does not support the bandwidth." He has not the MTR and the large-scale release of television advertising. But in fact in 2006 the company has quietly spent more than 600 million yuan. Juanronghui that money to vote on a pragmatic place in the construction of the network last year to invest a lot of money, 2 Room Telecom and CNC connect the backbone network, and many Internet businesses are only connects the two, three nodes. Unicom network backbone network means that the response rate has increased significantly. One day, can take more than 30 million trips to the site. There once a year, recruiting will carry out one online user interface facelift. Another one input in the development of search engines, Juanronghui posture, so the search, If the imported "CEO" of the conditions, there will be more than 200 related posts immediately showed. And competitors focus on recruitment network, not a newspaper advertisement, the Juanronghui newspaper does not intend to recruit some move, in his view, even in the United States and Japan and other countries, not a newspaper advertisement network less than the behemoth in the United States and also newspapers, Yahoo in the United States did not defeat the newspaper, "fighting with immortality on the alliance" is a better strategy. Juanronghui said that he is still the main energy of the internal organization development. As an organization from 10 people to 100 people to 1,000 people, the difference was not significant, However, from 1,000 to 10,000 people across the time difference on the big. At present, the future is worrying 3,500 employees. Make it difficult to manage many complex than in the past. Therefore, in future worries. Organizational structure of two-three years to adjust once; A human stem a live two to three years on the tired, Only by constantly adjusting only new challenges. In addition to space for the staff to constantly, constantly try to give them. "2008, the industry will be a reshuffle," Juanronghui said, the market can not accommodate so many businesses exist at the same time, When the investment risks spend money after market would be a lot of integration. And their greatest worry is not the same type of business challenges. Because these enterprises themselves and the competition is the homogenization. But worried that the new models from the impact. He believed that in the United States, Mok said the company is also similar to the Challenger LINKIN such interpersonal networks and Google representatives of the sub - Class information providers. However, Juanronghui grip 1 billion in cash and ready stock exchange, is waiting for the acquisition opportunities. New Mode of enterprises will be the focus of his search. That is, perhaps, this seemingly has been playing "Defender" hidden role of CEO offensive weapon. Of course, the second half of the year, the main task of recruiting or regional development, over a period of time, New Town development slowed down, from Tianjin in 2006 after not entering into a new city, main energy spent on-line network, now stabilized after challenges to the continued development of geographical strength. In 2006, Japan was recruiting Recruit shares 15% of the investment. Recruit talent and recruitment business, also has automotive, and other industries of information services. Juanronghui disclosed that the company plans to introduce such services in China cooperation. The former Bain and the president of the Asian region, on the Advisory division to run a business advantages and disadvantages, he said, in the strategic direction and that he had never hesitated, it is their own strengths. Advisory division venture is the most important "how to do", the Advisory division will often do a very nice PPT. But let these reports would become very crucial. And their own personality just made up the advisory division of the weaknesses. "They said I all the time."
前段时间我有幸拜访了儒豹科技创始人韩松博士,总体感觉韩松博士是一个很有内涵、话语较少、身藏不露的留美工学博士。在与他的交流中,或许处于商业机密的考虑,他对儒豹搜索引擎的具体优势谈的并不是很多,但总之我还是在从与韩博士的交流中对无线搜索引擎的发展有了一个新的认识。 确实,目前市场上的无线搜索引擎很多,以老牌的易查,易搜,uucun,明复等为主,相继又出现了cgogo,和中移动合作的google,驿动搜索,还有Roboo等。这些产品各有个的特点,各有各的优势,从产品角度说,其搜索的对象各自不同,有主要依靠站内搜索的google梦网,还有主要搜索和抓取站外资源的易查,易搜等。从技术角度说,各种产品的技术又大相径庭各有特色,有通过在线实时智能分析系统,对用户和用户搜索行为的研究分析的Roobo,也有像baidu和google一样的超链分析等分析网上数据为中心的搜索技术。目前没有一个明确和详细的标准,大家都在摸索,探讨。但是技术实力和用户的实用性是产品立足的关键点(这个总是我的个人的一贯思想,先把东西做好),随着行业的发展最终总会有一个强大的产品出来独立市场, 类似于走中国化路线的的baidu.Roobo或许就想成为这样的企业。希望他们一路走好。
发布时间:20070125 作者: 转载出处:中计在线 录入:念雪 |
儒豹科技致力于为手机用户提供快速、高效的移动信息检索产品及服务;开发高效准确的手机搜索引擎,其创始人韩松博士,在美国硅谷闯荡搜索领域多年、携风险巨资归国创业。中计在线即将就以下问题对韩松博士专访,敬请期待! 儒豹科技创始人韩松博士 韩松简历 公司创始人韩松博士,在美国硅谷闯荡搜索领域多年、携风险巨资归国创业。韩松在1981-88年,在清华大学无线电系获得学士和硕士学位后,88-91年在中国科学院自动化所模式识别国家重点实验室工作近三年,跟随马颂德教授做课题(马老师2000-2006年担任中国国家科技部副部长).91年赴美国留学,1997 年在加州洛杉矶的南加大(USC)获得计算机科学博士。博士生期间在IEEE和ACM国际一流刊物发表八篇论文,论文以创新引人瞩目而接受 LA Times(洛杉矶时报)采访拍照并见报,这在海外博士生中非常少见。 博士毕业后,在美国加州硅谷从事工程技术工作十余年,任职的公司包括世界前三大数据库公司之一的Informix,在其海量销售数据挖掘部门从事软件开发.在Keynote公司从事互联网上几十万台服务器的自动实时监控和数据分析软件的开发.回国前在硅谷的著名搜索引擎公司雅虎YAHOO 的搜索部门工作,研发机群中海量数据的分配算法和软件。2006年6月携风险投资回国创业。 关于儒豹 儒豹科技致力于为手机用户提供快速、高效的移动信息检索产品及服务;开发高效准确的手机搜索引擎。 Roboo儒豹手机搜索引擎公司2006 年进入中国市场,公司由在美国硅谷多年从事搜索引擎研发的海归博士创办,风险投资注入巨资做为资本支持。儒豹科技构架及算法专家组在美国硅谷,拥有强大的技术支持背景,掌握着目前国际领先的搜索引擎技术。国内目前有两个技术中心,苏州工业园区技术中心及西安高新区软件园技术中心,北京的市场中心也正在筹划当中。 儒豹产品在2006 年底正式上线运营,目前围绕手机搜索主线产品包括手机搜索、WAP 仿真浏览器等一系列产品,其技术水平领先于国内同类产品。随着市场运作的逐步深入,公司将开发围绕手机信息检索为主的各类相关产品,战略规划中的产品线涵盖娱乐、生活、实用信息、资讯等众多领域,将最大限度的挖掘无线3G网络的潜在价值,为手机用户提供准确、丰富、高效的移动信息服务。 儒豹以产品创新为特色,营造自由务实的企业文化。科技核心团队由技术专家、市场操作专家以及资源强大的顾问团组成。成员囊括移动通信行业、咨询行业及IT 行业资深人士,为儒豹的腾飞奠定了坚实的人才基础。
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FreeWap在中国地区真正开始风行是2003年Q3开始,2004年正式起步,FreeWap纷纷在2004年中或者Q3/Q4纷纷获得投资,在逐步的竞争中,3G,WAP天下 CEO,MOABC,LXYES,BANG,MINFO,CGOGO,UUCUN,YICHA等纷纷开始获得投资,2005年更加有不少VC对这些FreeWap进行追投;2006年SP行业开始逐步受到移动运营商的监管和严控,KONG(空中网),SINA(无线),TOM(无线),Tencent(QQ无线),SOHU(无线)等重量级WEB门户或者SP巨头开始纷纷推出自己的FreeWap业务,寻找新的市场生存点和新业务。
并且在2006年初纷纷成立了专门的以Mobile Internet Advertising 销售的专业公司出现,例如分众无线(日照无限公司),MADHOUSE(亿动),MMCLICK(魅媒),ADWAYS(爱通),WAPS(万普世纪),移动飞拓(此为移动代理,2004年成立),YIZONE(亿众),WIMAG(无线辉煌)。广告市场,从2006年下半年开始正式有收入概念,之前都是在建设统计管理等程序内容,在现在的广告代理体系中,以分众和MADHOUSE的收入为最高,高点的销售额都在每月百万等级,底点的销售额也在50万以上,他们是品牌广告的优秀代表;而MMCLICK及WAPS都是以联盟形式在接广告,其收入在20-60万左右,MMCLICK因为掌握资源丰富,在销售额方面从2006年下半年的10万/月,达到现在的平均50万左右的收入,是联盟广告模式的领头网站;至于其它在FreeWap行业的业绩和知名度都相对有限,且销售业绩基本只维持在10万左右,没有特别突出的表现。

① SP模式包含指SP收费产品的分成或者包月形式的长期栏目或者固定宣传位置,并从此类合作中获得FreeWap自身的收入;当然其中也有部分网站自己有SP资格,并自己制作SP产品在其FreeWap站吸引客户访问使用并获得例如,例如KONG(空中网)、SINA(新浪无线)、SOHU(搜狐无线)、TOM(TOM无线)、QQ(腾讯无线)等等。
② 品牌广告合作,包含了大企业品牌,例如索爱手机、NOKIA手机、DELL电脑、联想手机、联想电脑、海尔手机、TNT、EF、UBS;中小品牌合作,例如永华电影院折扣票、唱会票预定、手机客户端下载、58同城交友等
③ 手机网游;运营模式和Internet的网游模式一样,游戏不用支付费用,只收取交易道具的费用和一些特别机制的任务关卡需要收费,并在游戏中通过冠名或者公告形式开展网游广告;FreeWap包含两种手机网游收入,一种是独立运营,另一种是联合开发后双方或者多方共同运营然后对收入按比例分成。
④ 电子商务模式,只能说尚处于初级阶段。一般例如物品竞拍、品牌广告+物品销售、寄售提成、二手交易(产品及票务)、酒店机票手机订购为现在常见的FreeWap的电商模式,但相对收入不是很多。且支付方式比较繁琐且网络的速度和不稳定性导致了成交失败率高,所以现在相对只是FreeWap行业前列的TOP5内的网站在运营这类收入模式。

* WAP-PAGE并不代表是WAP站点。请各位注意。

* 因数据敏感,不便于公布,但基本描述中已经提到过一些数值,是完全真实的数值范围。

* 根据运营商数据中心的统计,灰色内容占据了访问流量的50%以上,已经到了不得不管的地步。

* WAP广告需要强大的统计后台和分类后台,这也是营销售的必要基础之一,现在之所以很多WAP站点出现一些销售难点,统计分类的WAP后台也是关键运营基础之一。